Saturday, October 4, 2008

Let's be honest about this VP debate people......

Sarah Palin exceeded expectations by LEAPS AND Bounds!!!! I think she was definitely under a lot of pressure to present herself in a different light, and show that she was not the person we saw on all those clips as of late. Congratulations to her, I will be the first to say I thought she was an idiot, and tonight she proved......

She can be trained as well as any dog who goes to obedience school for a week. I do not mean that in a derogatory way, but as an analogy. Now lets get some SERIOUS straight talk going here....Sarah Palin's EVERY answer was a pre-set response that she rehearsed over and over again...without question and NOT up for debate. There are two distinct things that showed me that she DOES NOT know independent facts (facts that weren't spoon-fed to her throughout the week) about not just world affairs, but her running mate John McCain.

1. All politicians have a way of answering, but not answering, the questions they are asked. The difference was she strayed so far away from the original question it was ridiculous. It wasnt that she strayed after a long rebuttal period, she was asked DIRECT questions and was the first to respond and answered with some prepared statement that was WAY off topic, then tried to coax it by saying "I may not answer the way you or Senator Biden want me to but....." NO you're simply NOT answering the questions posed.

2. this is a BIG one Joe Biden made some statements that were FLAT OUT NOT TRUE, McCain DID NOT vote for the Bill that she brought up NUMEROUS times about funds for the troops. He didnt vote on the bill at all, when Joe Biden responded to her saying "John McCain voted the same way" she said nothing to the contrary....WHY???? Because she did not know if he did or not, cause it wasnt spoon fed to her during this week's crammin session

Overall, Sarah Palin definitely did better than she did in those interviews, I watched expecting a laugh fest and it was not. I was very disappointed in the moderator, she could have been a little more direct and given a little more time for rebuttals, or encouraged a little more back and forth in my opinion.

But for anyone to say she "Won" this debate had expectations of her even lower than I did and you should be ashamed of yourself. Joe Biden was masterful with knowledge and FACTS and he defended his candidate to the T, Sarah Palin not once was able to rebut his accusations about McCain, rather they were true or false, and she dodged the questions so well i would be inclined to pick her first for my dodgeball team.

At the end of the day, this does NOT change who we saw in those interviews, THAT was Sarah Palin as was this tonight. But her lack of independent thought and her depth of knowledge (or lack thereof) scares me.....literally scares me. You cant name one magazine you read on a regular basis? You can't quote off your running mate's resume and voting record?
Governor Palin has proven she can be trained and can cram information and spew it from her mouth with the best of them....

But i went to college (I only went to one and got 3 degrees, and she went to 6 and got 1) and I KNOW that cramming is EASY! I did it a lot, and in the end what happens when you cram? you forget it all. Sarah Palin is not at a point where she has independent thought and stances on world affairs or even the economy cause she flat out seems she didn't really follow world politics prior to this nomination. And that is her right, there are many Americans who don't know the difference between the Shiites, Al-Qaeda, and Hazbollah.....But this person should NOT be vice president of the United 72 year old's heart beat away from the Presidency

Again I applaud her efforts tonight, it was a remarkable turn around, but the damage has been done and this changes little to nothing.

John McCain (More importantly Sarah Palin) must not win the Presidency.

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